
80s Hip-Hop: Dana Dane, Boogie Down Productions, Beastie Boys

80s Hip-Hop: Dana Dane, Boogie Down Productions, Beastie Boys

The 80s were a definitive decade for hip-hop music. New production techniques and expanded lyrical content helped to push the genre towards the mainstream. Join us as we explore 3 albums from hip-hop's golden era. Dana Dane - Dana Dane with Fame (1987)Boogie Down...

90s Hip-Hop (Hooray)(Nas, Organized Konfusion, Guru)

90s Hip-Hop (Hooray)(Nas, Organized Konfusion, Guru)

The late 80s and early 90s can arguably be called the golden age of hip-hop. The genres popularity was rising, but hadn't been overly commercialized yet. On today's show we talk about 3 classic albums from the era. Nas - Illmatic (Andy)Organized Konfusion - Stress:...

ANHOF Annals (De La Soul)

ANHOF Annals (De La Soul)

Time to rectify some past wrongs. When we last spoke about De La Soul's landmark 1989 album 3 Feet High and Rising, we failed to nominate it for the prestigious Album Nerds Hall of Fame. On today's show we revisit our thoughts on the record and (spoiler) solidify its...