Sophomore Successes: Led Zeppelin, A Tribe Called Quest, The Smashing Pumpkins

The "sophomore slump" is an all too common phenomena in the music industry. Following up a break-through record with...
Neo-Psychedelia: Tame Impala, XTC, The Stone Roses

Neo-Psychedelia: Tame Impala, XTC, The Stone Roses

Today's psychedelic music might not be covered in peace signs and flower petals, but it does owe plenty to the sounds of the 60s. On today's show we explore 3 new-ish psychedelic albums that are sure to get you in the right headspace. Tame Impala - Lonerism (2012) XTC...

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Topic Suggestions

Wheel of Musical Discovery

Suggest topics for the all powerful Wheel of Musical Discovery (aka WOD BOT). We might feature them on an upcoming show!